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A Bespoke Blog

  • Maxine Hayter

Peachy- Keen

As famously said by the fabulous Stockard Canning in the film Grease, the phrase means very good, fine, or excellent.


Aiming to capture the mood of the moment, “Colours of the Year” have been representing both Pantone’s and Dulux’s thoughts on the coming year for over 20 years. Interestingly this year, both companies have chosen a similar hue - peach.

Pantone and Dulux have chosen a similar hue - peach.
Pantone and Dulux have chosen a similar hue - peach.

According to Pantone, Peach Fuzz “captures our desire to nurture ourselves and others.” They continue “in seeking a hue that echoes our innate yearning for closeness and connection, we chose a colour radiant with warmth and modern elegance”.

Dulux have chosen Sweet Embrace- “a kind, delicate tone that brings a feeling of positivity to our lives”. Their inspiration is the softness of feathers and clouds at dusk.


As always, these colours are suggested to be used alongside other tones, to create your own personal space, sitting comfortably alongside warm creams through to subtle blues/ greens on the colour spectrum.

We are already seeing these tones appear in our blind and curtain collections. So, the big question for 2024 is - which peach will have you feeling peachy- keen?

Which peach will have you feeling peachy- keen?
Which peach will have you feeling peachy- keen?

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